Haunted Pu’u o Mahuka Temple
Posted on May 19, 2021
On the streets of Honolulu, it’s not uncommon to witness a Hawaiian medicine man blessing a building or structure. The medicine men, known as Kahunas, will also scatter wide green ti leave...
Haunted Nu’uanu Pali Drive
Posted on May 17, 2021
The city of Honolulu is known for its unparalleled views of the natural world. Of these views, Nu’uanu Pali Drive offers the most beautiful. With an elevation of over 1,000 feet, the winding road cu...
Haunted Bishop Museum
Posted on April 27, 2021
Hawaii may be the youngest state of the 50, but the islands themselves have a history dating back long before they officially joined the union in 1959. The Hawaiian islands are a beautiful tropical pa...